Skripsi teknik informatika berbasis web
Skripsi teknik informatika berbasis web


The nature of the document is very important to do the data collection and the archives graduation or thesis papers owned by the department of Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Gresik. During this time in the department of Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Muhammadiyah Gresik there are some students who do not collect the thesis document, due to the limitations of activity.


Thesis results were tested and found to pass from the trial and it is approved by a team of examiners, then performed the process of gathering thesis document in hardcopy and softcopy. SISTEM INFORMASI DOKUMEN SKRIPSI BERBASIS WEB TEKNIK INFORMATIKA op=read&id=jipptumg-rarsismarz-1344&q=SISTEM%20INFORMASI%20DOKUMEN%20SKRIPSI%20BERBASIS%20WEB%20TEKNIK%20INFORMATIKA%20UNIVERSITAS%20MUHAMMADIYAH%20GRESIK1529 undergraduate thesis, Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik. Arsis Marzuqi Arya (2014) SISTEM INFORMASI DOKUMEN SKRIPSI BERBASIS WEB TEKNIK INFORMATIKA UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH GRESIK. 2014-07Thesis:ThesisPeerReview:NonPeerReviewedBook:Bookeng Putera, R. For the student will receive the results in the form of collecting documents attestation sheet containing the minutes of the hearing, receipt paper and cd checklist. The results obtained in the manufacture of this thesis document information system is Kaprodi and lecturers student can view and record the thesis that has been collecting documents softcopy form. For specifications of the hardware used is AMD Brazos E - 350 1.6GHz, 320GB hard drive, 2GB RAM

skripsi teknik informatika berbasis web skripsi teknik informatika berbasis web

This system is required to complete the form of software, Edit Plus, Xampp 1.6.7, SQLyog, php, MySQL, Omnigraflle pro, DB desaigner, and Mozilla Firefox. Stages to build this system is to analyze the needs of the system, then conducted design programs, after designing a program to design a system with coding using php programming language, then implementation and test this thesis document information systems. The method used in the manufacture of the thesis using the SDLC ( System Development Live Cycle ) which focuses on the methods used and technicians. In addition the system is also used to find out who has been collecting documents thesis. Ĭompletion and for the collection of such documents made " Thesis Document Information System Based on Web " to facilitate students who will collect a thesis softcopy documents to be uploaded by the student through the system for easy storing thesis document archive. Arsis Marzuqi AryaInformatics EngineeringEngineeringThesis results were tested and found to pass from the trial and it is approved by a team of examiners, then performed the process of gathering thesis document in hardcopy and softcopy. UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH GRESIKPutera, R. Conclusion: With the village information system in Randuagung village, Sumberjambe, village officials and the community can more easily access information and convey aspirations without having to go directly to the Randuagung village office.INFORMASI DOKUMEN SKRIPSI BERBASIS WEB TEKNIK INFORMATIKA The results of the second test obtained a value of 84.2%, which means the acceptance rate is very strong. Based on the User Acceptance Test, the results of the first test obtained a value of 64.4%, which means the acceptance rate is strong. Results: Based on tests using blackbox testing the system that was made was as expected. PHP programming language that uses the Laravel 8 framework and MY SQL as its storage. As well as User Acceptance Test (UAT) and black box testing to test the system created or system acceptance. Method: The method used in this study is a prototype development method. The purpose of this study is to design and create a website-based Randuagung Village information system using the prototype development method. Introduction: The village is the smallest government system that demands renewal with the aim of supporting better village development and reducing poverty in the lives of rural communities. Sistem Informasi Desa Randuagung Jember Berbasis Web dengan Menggunakan Metode Pengembangan Prototype full.pdf


Sistem Informasi Desa Randuagung Jember Berbasis Web dengan Menggunakan Metode Pengembangan Prototype.ĭiploma thesis, Politeknik Negeri Jember.Īvailable under License Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike.

Skripsi teknik informatika berbasis web